General Dentistry in Vancouver, WA

General Dentistry Vancouver

Maintain a Beautiful, Healthy Smile

Having strong, healthy teeth that last a lifetime begins with good dental habits. In addition to brushing and flossing, you should schedule a general dental appointment every six months. Dr. Julie Jang and her team of talented hygienists are known throughout the Vancouver, WA region for providing superior general dentistry care. 

What Makes Harmony Family Dentistry the Top Choice for Their General Dentistry Needs?

Patients recommend our office to their friends because we have:

  • Highly trained professionals that pay attention to both the health and appearance of your teeth
  • Advanced technology that makes your appointments shorter and easier
  • Preventive care that helps you avoid needing more complex dental procedures in the future
  • Friendly team members who care about your wellbeing and comfort

Check Your Health with an Examination

Each appointment includes a thorough inspection of your mouth to look for signs of issues. Many common problems are easily treated when discovered early, but the symptoms are often too mild for you to notice on your own. Dr. Julie and the team at Harmony Family Dentist are professionals with a keen eye for spotting difficulty. They also utilize digital X-ray technology to spot underlying problems that may otherwise go unnoticed by the naked eye.

Sparkly Teeth with a Professional Cleaning

Our kind, hardworking hygienists also provide a cleaning that scrapes all plaque and tartar from your teeth. Special tools allow them to reach places in your mouth that a toothbrush and floss can easily miss. No matter how strong your oral hygiene routine is, it cannot replace the need for a professional cleaning every six months.

General Dentistry treatments Vancouver

Oral Cancer Screening

When Dr. Julie conducts her examination, she looks for signs of oral cancer in your mouth, even if she does not say so explicitly. Since early detection is usually a life saver when it comes to this form of cancer, it is good to know that you have someone looking for symptoms in your mouth that you would otherwise not recognize.

Eliminate Cavities with Modern Fillings

Dental fillings have evolved significantly. Instead of using silver amalgam, Dr. Julie can fill a cavity (a hole that forms on your tooth from decay) with composite resin, which matches the color of your teeth. This means that your smile looks as natural as possible while preventing the need for a root canal later.

Removing Unhealthy Teeth

Although Dr. Julie makes every attempt to keep a natural tooth in your mouth when possible, when a tooth cannot survive, she can extract the tooth. During a tooth extraction, she places emphasis on safety and minimizing discomfort. As a restorative dentist, she also develops a customized treatment to replace the tooth in a way that looks natural with the rest of your smile.

Come See Why Our Patients Love Visiting the Dentist

Dental appointments do not need to be a bad experience. When you choose a smart, caring team that prioritizes your health and comfort, you leave the dentist’s office feeling happy and refreshed. To schedule an appointment, please call (360) 882-7866 today!